It was more than 70 years ago when Don Pedro Zaragoza Vizcarra witnessed first-hand children and elders more vulnerable than ever to violence and exploitation, exposed to hunger and poverty and that was when, understanding the experience of food insecurity by elders and young children, the social work involvement began through the delivery of donations of milk and meat to more than 40 nursing institutions and shelters in the city
Following the legacy of Don Pedro Zaragoza Vizcarra, the year 2005 marked the official establishment of the Fundacion Pedro Zaragoza in Mexico, which represents an advance of the structure and organization of our social interventions to benefit the vulnerable population. Every year we deliver breakfast to thousands of children; we develop and operate educational, health and nutrition, and food self-sufficiency projects; we build and facilitate infrastructure in schools, recreational parks, housing, and community centers.
Ten years is a short time as there is still so much to do for the benefit of those who have less and are less fortunate - the resources are never sufficient to meet the need. In 2013 we extended our reach in support and care, creating The Pedro Zaragoza Charitable Fund as a 501(c) in the United States, this effort facilitates our access to funding and international partnerships for social development and it allows us to expand our care programs and food banks to many areas in Mexico and the United States where our children and seniors are in need.
Today, more than ever, we are convinced that by contributing to the social development of our community, we are laying the foundation for economic growth and full participation in both Mexico and the United States. Children from Mexico represent our capital - by improving their development opportunities you are potentiating a higher quality of life for all.