The workshops provided address aspects involving each member of the family, allowing them to acquire knowledge and skills which lead them to strengthen their family and thereby prevent situations of violence and crime.
Personal Development and Prevention of Family Violence.- Through these workshops, family members acquire skills aimed at their growth as human beings strengthening abilities related to all that a person can be and do in his/her full life; also creating spaces for reflection and exchange to facilitate the analysis of strategies for overcoming highly aggressive and violent situations in the family.
Nutrition and Health.- Provide the population with beneficiary information for reducing the prevalence of malnutrition and incorporating good socio-nutritious habits preparing economic recipes which are healthy and easy to follow in additon to the delivery and monitoring of their identity card and nutritional evaluation.
Each family benefitted from the program receives, in exchange for a recovery fee, a food endowment that includes mainly dairy food that contributes to the daily support of the family members and also as the aim of assuring the appropriate physical and mental development of the children. The food that is delivered to each beneficiary covers the daily requirements of nutrients necessary for an integral development, when minors with malnutrition are detected, either malnutrition or obesity, they are provided with the necessary medical attention to guarantee their state of health so they can take advantage of the opportunities that life gives them to get ahead by their own means.
Each Family that is supported has different needs, in addition to food, they are supported with other types of basic needs, such as construction or improvement of their home, attention to health problems, donation of clothing, educational scholarships, etc.
Health & Nutrition
- Feeding
- Antrophometry
- Nutritional Counseling
Food Self-Suficiency
- Urban Gardening
- Biointensive Units
- Sustainability
Physical Activation
- Sports
- Physical Health
Skills Development
- Training
- Professionalisation
Social Institutions
Schools in Vulnerable Areas
Development Centers
Community Dinners